Article BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND by Bill Bendure, CEO Coach, Feb 24, 2023
I am convinced that a majority of people live their lives aimlessly, drifting through life, without direction and purpose. The analogy of one’s life is like a bottle floating in a lake with no direction of its own, just going with wind or the current. Soren Kierkegaard, the 17th Century Danish theologian sums it up, “We can measure our life only by looking back, but we must live it going forward.” So what is your direction going forward? If we want to have made contribution to life, family, church or community then we must determine the direction today. Christians might refer to this as their purpose in life. Yesterday I met with a friend and former colleague about making a major life transition; from working as an employee to starting her own consulting business. As we talked she made an observation about her desire to live her life with intent. She wants to have a plan and to execute the plan so that it captures the direction that she wants to go. She can measure her progress against her vision. The intent of the mission statement is to make it a thread that will run through every facet of her life. I was struck by her word – intent. She thought about it, considered options and now intends to accomplish her goals using these strategies. She made a conscious decision to act, to become, to actualize. (This same woman recently sold her business and retired at 50 years plus or minus). Other words we often use to describe this transition are direction, purpose, actualization and effectiveness. Social work has a term for this behavior. It is “conscious use of self”. A person is asked to examine his or her talents, training, expertise, interest, and to act effectively. Do something. Get ‘er done! Or as the Nike slogan says “Just do it!” As a coach and mentor, my job is to help people explore and discover their purpose, their passions to live their life with intent. Each one develops a life plan which includes goals and strategies for career, business, family, spiritual, citizenship-community and contribution. More and more people are finding that an executive and life coach is extremely helpful in starting or completing a project, to enhancing their personal or business effectiveness, or to provide a new set of eyes and objectivity to business and life issues. The results can be awesome. Life plans that include purpose, mission clarification, specific business and life goals, exit strategies, business strategies to grow and expand business, retirement, making a contribution to the community, and etc. If you are interested in exploring an executive coach service, call Bill at 918 576 8481 or email Our website is billbendure,com
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